This letter contains an important message
Renowned muscle building expert for busy men, Eric Bach presents…
A “Covert Operations” Weightlifting Manual For Busy, Hard-Working, Dedicated Men Who Are Driven To Build A Physique That Commands Attention And Turns Heads While Operating With Power And Confidence
A “Covert Operations” Weightlifting Manual For Busy, Hard-Working, Dedicated Men Who Are Driven To Build A Physique That Commands Attention And Turns Heads While Operating With Power And Confidence
Picture this...
Next weekend you roll your bones out of bed—the same bones you’ve been waking up with for your entire life.

Recently, you’ve only made one simple change to your usual routine. A change so simple and easy a teenager could do it. And the truth is, many teenagers DO make this change.

Now when YOU roll out of bed and rub the sleep from your eyes, it’s as if a modern day scientific miracle has granted you a brand new body. From the moment you look in the mirror, you’ll notice the difference.

As you soak up your new physique you’ll notice round, proud shoulders that you KNOW your girlfriend/wife can’t keep her hands off of (and that your kids love to hang off and swing from), all framed by muscular arms that stretch the sleeves of your crisp, clean suits. Then there’s a broad, sweeping set of pecs that you could dance and jiggle simply by flexing. And lets not forget the hugs and handshakes you repeatedly receive compliments on.

None of which happens without being a) strong or b) muscular.

You see, you, my friend, are cut from a different cloth.

You are a Gentleman.

You’ve tested the waters with Minimalist Muscle Blitz: The Slam-Dunk Solution For Busy Men Who Simply Cannot Build Muscle.

You’ve experienced the gain-giving results of Minimalist Muscle: The World’s Most Effective Muscle-Building Program For Busy Men.

(If you HAVEN’T been through the first two chapters of Minimalist Muscle, I strongly suggest you go back, grab MM Blitz, and work your way up. Like building a house—you need a solid foundation before you get to the higher levels).

You’ve reaped the rewards, the results, and now you’ve come back for the next step—the most advanced iteration of the Minimalist Muscle Series yet.

The next chapter in your Minimalist Muscle story is here—and I’m going to reveal what that is later in this letter. But before you know what to do, you must understand how “it” works.

You see, there’s one weightlifting mechanism that rules them all when it comes to packing on lean, dense muscle.
Are You Ready For The “Secret Sauce” That Hundreds Of Natural Lifters Have Used To Achieve Maximum Muscle Development Without Spending Hours In The Gym?
To explain let’s travel to Eastern Europe, way back in the 1950’s.

Between the 1950’s and 1960’s, Eastern European weightlifters were far and above the BEST weightlifters on the planet.

Granted, part of this was due to being well ahead of their time in terms of their “muscle juice.”

That said, they way the trained had A LOT to do with their success on the platform.

Largely because of the training style they diligently adhered to.

In that they would snatch, deadlift, squat, clean, and press six or seven days per week, with up to three workouts per day.

This “high-frequency training method” that brought the Eastern Europeans such stupendous results is the EXACT same method that you’ll use inside Minimalist Muscle X.

Before you read any further, lets get clear about four things:
  • You do NOT need to take steroids for high-frequency training to be effective (in fact, I strongly advise against it).
  • You do NOT need to workout three times per day (correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe you have any desire to become an Olympic-level competitive weightlifter). 
  • You CAN take advantage of high-frequency training and reap its benefits IF it’s programmed properly, and weekly + monthly volume is taken into account (I take care of all of this for you inside the Minimalist Muscle X program). 
  • High-frequency training does NOT mean you spend 90 minutes in the gym 7 days per week training chest and biceps (the Minimalist Muscle X program calls for 5-6 workouts per week, each being 40-50 minutes in length).
  • You do NOT need to take steroids for high-frequency training to be effective (in fact, I strongly advise against it).
  • You do NOT need to workout three times per day (correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe you have any desire to become an Olympic-level competitive weightlifter). 
  • You CAN take advantage of high-frequency training and reap its benefits IF it’s programmed properly, and weekly + monthly volume is taken into account (I take care of all of this for you inside the Minimalist Muscle X program). 
  • High-frequency training does NOT mean you spend 90 minutes in the gym 7 days per week training chest and biceps (the Minimalist Muscle X program calls for 5-6 workouts per week, each being 40-50 minutes in length).
PROPER Application Of High-Frequency Training Means...
  • Training each muscle group 2-3 times per week with short, sweet, and brutally effective programming (each session should last no more than 50 minutes)
  • Training with INCREASED weekly volume, but DECREASED daily volume (this format allows you to stimulate muscle growth more times throughout the week without pulling the rug out from under your recovery ability) 
  • Taking advantage of your increased training frequency to stimulate muscle-protein synthesis on a consistent basis throughout the week (turning on muscle-protein synthesis is like turning the key in your car—the result you want won’t happen if you don’t turn the key)
  • Training each muscle group 2-3 times per week with short, sweet, and brutally effective programming (each session should last no more than 50 minutes)
  • Training with INCREASED weekly volume, but DECREASED daily volume (this format allows you to stimulate muscle growth more times throughout the week without pulling the rug out from under your recovery ability) 
  • Taking advantage of your increased training frequency to stimulate muscle-protein synthesis on a consistent basis throughout the week (turning on muscle-protein synthesis is like turning the key in your car—the result you want won’t happen if you don’t turn the key)
High-Frequency Training Protocols Are More Effective Than 98.3% Of Other Training Methods (When Programmed Properly) Because It…
  • Keep your muscles in a perpetual state of muscle-protein synthesis (each training stimulus elevates MPS for up to 48 hours—so if you’re training each muscle 2-3 times per week, you’ll never NOT be in an anabolic state)
  • Allows you to train each muscle two, three, and sometimes four times per week WITHOUT having a negative impact on your body’s ability to recover. 
  • With the shorter workouts that are a MUST for high-frequency training protocols to be truly effective, you’ll be in and out of the gym in the blink of an eye (meaning you’ll be able to build muscle and get stronger without sacrificing any of your life outside of the gym) 
  • Keep your muscles in a perpetual state of muscle-protein synthesis (each training stimulus elevates MPS for up to 48 hours—so if you’re training each muscle 2-3 times per week, you’ll never NOT be in an anabolic state)
  • Allows you to train each muscle two, three, and sometimes four times per week WITHOUT having a negative impact on your body’s ability to recover. 
  • With the shorter workouts that are a MUST for high-frequency training protocols to be truly effective, you’ll be in and out of the gym in the blink of an eye (meaning you’ll be able to build muscle and get stronger without sacrificing any of your life outside of the gym) 
Look, everyone wants to find the “one weird trick” to triggering lean muscle growth without living in the gym or causing so much stress to their body that workouts become counterproductive.

It’s a question that I’ve asked myself hundreds of times—because deep down, I knew there must be an answer.

As it turns out, the high-frequency training program that is the backbone of Minimalist Muscle X is the answer that you, I, and hundreds of skinny, busy men have been searching for.

Because as I’ve discovered with lifters like Bob.
When you apply the high-frequency approach properly, there’s no end to what you can achieve.
Are you interested in how you can experience similar results for yourself?

If so, let’s get on with it…

But first, in the event that you’re new here, haven’t been through either of the first two Minimalist Muscle chapters, or have never heard of me before, here’s the rundown on who I am.
I’m a baron of bacon, backhandler of bourbon, connoisseur of coffee, and hopeless romantic of a Green Bay Packers fan.

I’ve spent the last decade of my life helping busy hard-working men build confident, strong, athletic, jacked physiques.

To toot my own horn, you might have seen me before on one of these sites…
I’m a baron of bacon, backhandler of bourbon, connoisseur of coffee, and hopeless romantic of a Green Bay Packers fan.

I’ve spent the last decade of my life helping busy hard-working men build confident, strong, athletic, jacked physiques.

To toot my own horn, you might have seen me before on one of these sites…
Simply put...I Specialize In Helping Busy Men Who Are Unhappy With Their Body Build A High-Performance Physique That Feels And Functions As great As It Looks...Without Living In The Gym, Beating Up Your Body Or Filling Up On Steroids.
Moving On...With A Message From 8X Mr. Olympia Champion, The Great Lee Haney
The problem with every high-frequency lifting program I’ve seen out there is the fact that they do NOT look at your training volume over the course of weeks and months. Instead, they give you a standard workout that you’d do if you were only training a muscle once per week, then tell you do it three (or more) times inside of a week.

Unless you’re stuffing yourself to the gills with dangerous steroids, there’s not a muscle on your body that can recover well enough from that much volume to get stronger or build muscle. It straight up doesn’t happen.

So, what’s the solution?

How do you tap into the incredible muscle-building potential of high-frequency training...without pile-driving your body into the ground?

The answer is startlingly simple.

You CAN train a muscle two to three times per week without sacrificing your ability to recover and improve...SO LONG AS you adjust the volume of your training sessions.

Put simply, the less work you do in a single session, the more you can do over the course of a week.

But do so effectively, you must practice what the great Lee Haney has been preaching for decades.

His three words soaked in muscle-building wisdom?
“Stimulate, Don’t Annihilate”
By this I—and Lee—mean that progress doesn’t come from putting your body through a meat grinder every time you hit the gym. Just like any high-performance car, you can only keep the accelerator mashed to the floor for so long before you crash and burn.

Instead, we want to do the bare minimum to stimulate muscle-protein synthesis and an anabolic response, then get out and recover. Rinse and repeat.

Make sense?

The “stimulate, don’t annihilate” approach to building muscles meshes perfectly with the Minimalist Muscle principle of quick yet brutally effective training sessions.

Okay, now that we’re on the same page, here’s the next chapter in your Minimalist Muscle journey…

From the brain of the man of who has helped hundreds of men achieve incredible physique transformations over the past ten years...

I’m proud to share with you:
The Most Advanced Training Program I’ve Written
Minimalist Muscle X
The Minimalist Muscle X training program will teach you:
  • How to milk the strength building basics for all they’ve got (and then use your newfound strength gains to smash the accelerator on muscle growth and get jacked)
  • Why coupling Strength work with Volume in your training sessions is THE optimal way to build muscle (without aching, throbbing joints, bouts of fatigue, or hitting stubborn plateaus) 
  • The secret execution of the “Perfect Rep” (lifting with your ego and poor technique buys you a one-way ticket to Snap City—but once you know how to execute Perfect Reps, you’ll never have to worry about snappin’ yo shit)
  • A simple way to give your body a reason to grow every single time you pick up a weight (no more wasted workouts, no more plateaus, and no more small t-shirts)
  • 8 “types” of exercises that will help you continue to build strength, muscle, and size for years
  • The MMX protocol for addressing training frequency in a way that triggers your body’s natural anabolic response and muscle growth (without handicapping your ability to recover)
  • Papa Bach’s Golden Rule for getting shit done (this rule applies to everything from getting jacked to building strength to fat loss—and I’m going to show you how to apply this rule to your physique)
  • How you can make crazy progress by doing the OPPOSITE of the knuckle-dragging juice monkeys at your gym (plus, why bodybuilders are the exception to ALL training and nutrition rules)
  • How Minimalist Muscle X ties your body, mind, and spirit together in a way that will help you build a strong, athletic, confident body...and get you laid more often
  • How to milk the strength building basics for all they’ve got (and then use your newfound strength gains to smash the accelerator on muscle growth and get jacked)
  • Why coupling Strength work with Volume in your training sessions is THE optimal way to build muscle (without aching, throbbing joints, bouts of fatigue, or hitting stubborn plateaus) 
  • The secret execution of the “Perfect Rep” (lifting with your ego and poor technique buys you a one-way ticket to Snap City—but once you know how to execute Perfect Reps, you’ll never have to worry about snappin’ yo shit)
  • A simple way to give your body a reason to grow every single time you pick up a weight (no more wasted workouts, no more plateaus, and no more small t-shirts)
  • 8 “types” of exercises that will help you continue to build strength, muscle, and size for years
  • The MMX protocol for addressing training frequency in a way that triggers your body’s natural anabolic response and muscle growth (without handicapping your ability to recover)
  • Papa Bach’s Golden Rule for getting shit done (this rule applies to everything from getting jacked to building strength to fat loss—and I’m going to show you how to apply this rule to your physique)
  • How you can make crazy progress by doing the OPPOSITE of the knuckle-dragging juice monkeys at your gym (plus, why bodybuilders are the exception to ALL training and nutrition rules)
  • How Minimalist Muscle X ties your body, mind, and spirit together in a way that will help you build a strong, athletic, confident body...and get you laid more often
Using the above, you can expect to see, feel, and experience results like these:
The Transformations Above Are From Busy, Hard-Working Men Just Like You Who Only Have 40-50 Minutes Per Day To Squeeze In A Workout
These men have taken advantage of the muscle-building “magic” that high-frequency training offers.

The reason they’ve made such impressive changes using a high-frequency approach (which, admittedly, DOES seem counterintuitive to only having 40-50 minutes to workout), is because a high-frequency approach works BETTER with short, sweet, and brutally effective workouts.

When the entirety of your workout is focused on getting in, doing ONLY what’s necessary to stimulate muscle growth, and then getting out so you can recover...there’s no fluff, no wishy-washy exercises, and no “junk volume” that takes a toll on your recovery ability without giving you any muscle-laden benefits.

At its core, high-frequency training is THE training method that allows you to indulge in your dedication and drive to building a wicked physique, while accommodating your busy life and stressful schedule.

If these men can do it...there’s no reason you can’t achieve much the same.
Before make you decide whether or not Minimalist Muscle X is what you need, here’s what’s included in the MMX package:
The Minimalist Muscle X Training Program
VALUE: $38.00
A four-week high-frequency training program built specifically for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development.
 [BONUS] Minimalist Muscle X: V-Cut Abs
VALUE: $14.00
If you’ve ever craved those sharp v-shaped lines descending from your hips and pointing right towards your junk, this is your solution.
[BONUS] Minimalist Muscle X: Anabolic MetCon Guide
VALUE: $14.00
Like it or not, skipping conditioning work is a guaranteed way to cut off your progress at its knees—Anabolic MetCon gives you a quick and effective conditioning solution.
Today, you can have all three programs, a grand total retail value of $66 for just $27.00
Unlike the vast majority of weightlifting programs on the internet that come with 23 PDFs that you’ll never read, I’m giving you only what you need to be successful, and not a drop more.

Note: This is NOT a physical product. ALL the programs above are digital PDFs that are delivered immediately. You can save each program to your phone so your workouts are in your pocket, print out the sessions and put them into a notebook, or sit and stare at each program for a weekend to memorize them if you so please.

There IS a danger in having too much information readily available, and the last thing I want to see happen to you is to become frozen because you have too many options, and it’s not clear which is the best option.

Which is why MMX comes with all that you need, and nothing more.

Stick to the programs above with ruthless consistency and you WILL experience the results you want.
When The Workout Plan You’re Following Stops Generating Results...Minimalist Muscle X Storms To The Rescue
There are two things I’ve heard over and over and over from men who have been through Minimalist Muscle Blitz and Full.
  • “I can’t believe how simple it is to make great progress.”
  • “What can I do next to continue making progress?”
  • “I can’t believe how simple it is to make great progress.”
  • “What can I do next to continue making progress?”
Here’s the truth about making progress with the Minimalist Muscle series:

For as great a program as Minimalist Muscle Full is, your body WILL find a way to adapt to the stimulus—as it does with damn near any training program you put it through. Worse, when you stubbornly stick to the same program hoping for a “break” or to see an inch of progress again, you’re falling into the same trap as the dude who believes only ever benching and doing curls is going to build an attractive, functional, powerful physique.

To be blunt, if you stubbornly stick to the same program, there’s no hope, and you’re going to spend months or years in some cases beating your head against a stubborn plateau.

Which is where Minimalist Muscle X swoops in to save the day.

Minimalist Muscle X takes the latest muscle-building science and tailors it to busy men who don’t have hours and hours to spend in the gym each day.

Consider the MMX program to be an extra shot of espresso in your coffee to help you accelerate muscle growth and build your best body ever.
Are You Ready To Dial Your Progress Up To 11?
Look, I’m not going to twist your arm or bully you into something that you’re not ready for. But, if you’re still reading this letter, there’s a reason you’ve read this far.

Something I said has resonated with you, and has you wondering “what if?”

And if there’s one thing that KILLS dreams, desires, while causing more pain and sadness than anything’s lying on your bed wondering “what if?”
  • “What if I’d gone and talked to that girl who smiled at me in the coffee shop?” 
  • “What if I’d taken that trip to Europe when I had the chance?” 
  • “What if I’d had the balls to ask for a raise when I was crushing it with my clients?” 
  • “What if I’d applied for the personal training gig I didn’t think I was good enough for?” 
  • “What if I’d started my business when I was younger?” 
  • “What if I’d gone and talked to that girl who smiled at me in the coffee shop?” 
  • “What if I’d taken that trip to Europe when I had the chance?” 
  • “What if I’d had the balls to ask for a raise when I was crushing it with my clients?” 
  • “What if I’d applied for the personal training gig I didn’t think I was good enough for?” 
  • “What if I’d started my business when I was younger?” 
These are all real questions that I’ve been caught asking myself. Chances are they’re not all that different from ones you’ve been asking yourself.

It might be too late to change the outcomes to many of those questions, but there’s absolutely no reason why you should EVER ask yourself:
“What if if I had taken the chance and invested into that proven, effective training program for busy men that so many have had success with?”
Not When There’s A 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee On A Program Built By One Of The Most Experienced Coaches On The Internet
In the unforeseen and unrecorded (to date) event that the Minimalist Muscle X program fails to deliver results similar to what you’ve experienced in the Minimalist Muscle Blitz and Full editions, activating your money-back guarantee is easy.

Simply send an email to with your reason for requesting a refund and I’ll process it within 48 hours.

There’s a saying about the best time to start something new being one, two, three or more years ago.

Look, you can’t rewind time...but you know that already.
What you might not know is that you CAN control your future by taking action today.
To that, the best time to start Minimalist Muscle X is right now.

The future of your physique is in your hands now.

The next move is up to you.
Success comes from the ruthless execution of the basics.

Honors Kinesiology Degree
NSCA-Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
Precision Nutrition Certified

- Eric Bach, Mens Transformation Expert
Minimalist Muscle X
Value: $38.00
  • MM X: Four-week high-frequency training program for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development
Minimalist Muscle X Premium
Total Value: $66.00
  • Today you get MM X Premium for the same price as MM X Standard
  • MM X: Four-week high-frequency training program for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development
  • MM V-Cut Abs: Get those sharp v-shaped lines descending from your hips, pointing right towards your junk
  • MM Anabolic MetCon Guide: Quick and effective conditioning solution
Minimalist Muscle X
Value: $38.00
  • MM X: Four-week high-frequency training program for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development
Minimalist Muscle X Premium
Total Value: $66.00
  • Today you get MM X Premium for the same price as MM X Standard
  • MM X: Four-week high-frequency training program for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development
  • MM V-Cut Abs: Get those sharp v-shaped lines descending from your hips, pointing right towards your junk
  • MM Anabolic MetCon Guide: Quick and effective conditioning solution
Minimalist Muscle X - FAQS
I’ve done my best to be crystal-clear about what MMX is, isn’t, as well as who it is and isn’t for. In the event that you still have lingering questions or are unsure about something, check out the pithy Q&A below.
What Makes Minimalist Muscle X Stand Head And Shoulders Above Every Other Training Program On The Market?
No other “high-frequency” training program on the internet takes into account the important aspects of daily vs weekly training volume or stress and recovery. Ironically, these two aspects are what makes high-frequency training effective.

Minimalist Muscle X does NOT ignore either aspect.
What’s the difference between MM Blitz, MM Full, and MM X?
Minimalist Muscle Blitz: MMB is a literal four-week “blitz” to give you a taste of what Minimalist Muscle can do for you and your physique.

Minimalist Muscle Full: MMF is the full schabang, including four specialization programs, and the answer to “what’s next?” after MMB.

Minimalist Muscle X: MMX is our most advanced muscle-building program yet, taking advantage of the high-frequency training to help you achieve maximum muscle development naturally.
How long are the training sessions?
The training sessions in MMX average 40-50 minutes. You’ll be in and out in less time that it takes to watch an episode of Game of Thrones.
What if I don’t see any results from MMX?
Quite honestly, if you don’t see results, I’m willing to wager you haven’t put in the work. These methods have been tried, tested, and proven on too many subjects for me to believe that they don’t work. But, if you can show me that you HAVE diligently stuck to the program and seen no fruits from your labors, I’ll cover your refund with my 60-day money-back guarantee. All you have to do is email me at saying why you want a refund, and I’ll handle it asap. 

I can’t get more fair than that.
How is the Minimalist Muscle X program delivered?
MMX is a completely digital program and is delivered immediately upon purchase. Once confirmed you’ll receive an email containing links to each of the components and programs.
What if I don’t have the equipment for a specific exercise?
Included with the MMX program is an exercise substitution guide that will help you out of any jam. All you have do is find the exercise you need a substitute for and match the movement pattern with what you do have.
Minimalist Muscle X
Value: $38.00
  • MM X: Four-week high-frequency training program for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development
Minimalist Muscle X Premium
Total Value: $66.00
  • Today you get MM X Premium for the same price as MM X Standard
  • MM X: Four-week high-frequency training program for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development
  • MM V-Cut Abs: Get those sharp v-shaped lines descending from your hips, pointing right towards your junk
  • MM Anabolic MetCon Guide: Quick and effective conditioning solution
Minimalist Muscle X
Value: $38.00
  • MM X: Four-week high-frequency training program for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development
Minimalist Muscle X Premium
Total Value: $66.00
  • Today you get MM X Premium for the same price as MM X Standard
  • MM X: Four-week high-frequency training program for natural lifters to achieve maximum muscle development
  • MM V-Cut Abs: Get those sharp v-shaped lines descending from your hips, pointing right towards your junk
  • MM Anabolic MetCon Guide: Quick and effective conditioning solution
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